
GPlates 2.5 released

April 15, 2024

GPlates 2.5 released

Download GPlates 2.5:-

Download GPlates 2.5 and compatible geodata from the Download page.

What's new in GPlates 2.5:-

This release finally has subduction zone teeth!

  • Subduction zone teeth pointing to overriding plates in the 3D globe and 2D map views.
  • Topological boundaries coloured by individual boundary line segments.
    • Instead of each boundary polygon having its own colour.
    • Eg, subduction zones coloured differently than mid-ocean ridges.
  • Topology line width multiplier (under “Tools > Configure Geometry Rendering”).
    • So topologies can be thicker than non-topologies.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for show/hide geometry types (see “View > Geometry Visibility”).

See the full changelog here.

Adds tectonic subsidence.

Eureka Prize finalist announcement and new home for source code

Adds tectonic subsidence.

Adds tectonic subsidence.

We are very excited to announce the launch of the new GPlates website.

This pyGPlates beta release adds support for Python 3 (in addition to Python 2.7).

What's new in GPlates 2.2? Deformation, Topologies, Projects and recent sessions, etc...

This release contains both GPlates 2.1 and pyGPlates beta revision 18.

What's new in version 2.0? Projects and recent sessions, Deformation, New Hellinger tool, etc...

Welcome to the first beta release of the GPlates Python library known as pyGPlates.

This experimental release of GPlates contains a new Hellinger tool in addition to all functionality available in the recent GPlates 1.5 official release.

What's new in version 1.5? Projects, New kinematics tool and Import and export GeoJSON format feature collections.

What's new in version 1.4? Export numerical and colour reconstructed rasters, Import raster improvements, New Move Pole canvas tool, etc...

A newsletter regarding recent GPlates related research, information on tutorials, new GPlates compatible data and plate models.

What's new in version 1.3? Integration of Orange and GPlates as a data mining toolkit suite, New GPlates Rotation (GROT) file format, Surface relief lighting. etc...

Congratulations to GPlates team on winning this year's NeCTAR/ANDS #nadojo competition.

What's new in version 1.2? New Small Circle tool, Rasters in the map views, Python colouring, etc...

This is mainly a bug-fix release. Many bugs were fixed in version 1.1.1!

GPlates 1.1 has been released on 21, May, 2011.

GPlates 1.0.0 has been released on 20, December, 2010.

This release is a preview of raster reconstructions and layers.

GPlates 0.9.9 has been released on 03 May, 2010.

GPlates 0.9.8 has been released on 17 December, 2009.

GPlates has been released on 10 November, 2009

GPlates 0.9.5 has been released on 17 June, 2009.

GPlates 0.9.4 has been released on 23 December, 2008.

GPlates has been released on 20 October, 2008.

GPlates 0.9.2 has been released on 23 May, 2008